Brother of the Wind & the Pen
For biker scribe Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska, poetry is as much about capturing his passion for the moto lifestyle and the raw energy of two-wheeled travel in prose, as it is about documenting determination in the face of the often-harsh struggles of life. He has had his fair share of both.
Here is April's exclusive piece, titled Distance ... a poem capturing the strange times we find ourselves in with coronavirus upending everyone's lives: forced isolation, panic over food shortages and job shutdowns ... a new stark, hopefully temporary reality. The light at the end of the tunnel is us, helping one another, looking out for one another, being of service to our friends, family and immediate community.
Sorez has graciously agreed to pen some inspiration for the NYC Motorcyclist community each month. You can read more about Sorez in a feature NYC Motorcyclist published in the spring of 2018.
Trying times filled with uncertainty.
Counting pennies, just to put gas in the tank.
Fridge half empty, the world going crazy,
Cannot count on anything any longer.
It seems, to all be slipping away.
Cannot grasp onto easy solutions,
For every single problem faced.
Slowing down for a minute to think.
Friends, family, I need to know if they’re ok.
Hopefully a little better off than me.
Need to reach out with love and concern.
So many others out there less fortunate,
Thinking no one cares at all.
Nobody calls, no one stops by,
Isolated, alone, living in fear.
Their world seems to be,
A very dark and lonely place.
As the storm passes into the distance,
Family, friends, moto brothers and sisters,
We all need to come together.
Closer than ever before,
Closer than the distance created,
By the passing storm.
We thank our friend Sorez the Scribe for his poignant words this month and remind our readers he will soon have a second book of published poetry available. Stay tuned to @sorezthescribe for details.