Feature Series

Brother of the Wind & the Pen

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For biker scribe Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska, poetry is as much about capturing his passion for the moto lifestyle and the raw energy of two-wheeled travel in prose, as it is about documenting determination in the face of the often-harsh struggles of life. He has had his fair share of both.

Here is Sorez's exclusive June piece, titled The Life I Live. Life is riding ... and riding is life, whether good times or hard knocks. A simple beauty.

Sorez, a long-time contributing writer for Road Hawk Magazine who also has a popular book of poetry out, graciously pens some inspiration for the NYC Motorcyclist community each month. He also released a new magazine of poetry in May, available on his website at sorezthescribe.weebly.com for $14.99 plus shipping. You can read more about Sorez in a feature NYC Motorcyclist published back in the spring of 2018.

The Life I Live

Blood, sweat, and grime
Got me where I need to be
Wrenching nuts and bolts
Twisting throttle shifting gears
Riding upon crowded roads
Surviving miles splittin’ lanes
Living the ride the life I live
In the wind my saving grace
Another day I’m thankful for
In the saddle onward forward
There could be no other way
Ride to live until I pass away

Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska

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1 Comment

  1. NYC Motorcyclist

    Check out Sorez' new book of poetry, available on his website at sorezthescribe.weebly.com for $14.99 plus shipping.

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