Feature Series

Brother of the Wind & the Pen

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For biker scribe Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska, poetry is as much about capturing his passion for the moto lifestyle and the raw energy of two-wheeled travel in prose, as it is about documenting determination in the face of the often-harsh struggles of life. He has had his fair share of both.

Here is Sorez's exclusive September piece, titled As Wayward Winds Blow. As the seasons change, so do our perspectives. Later on in the journey we call life, we reflect on past decisions and our personal sense of invulnerability. Stay the course, take chances ... but be safe out there.

Sorez, a contributing writer for Outlaw Biker Magazine who also has a popular book of poetry out, graciously pens some inspiration for the NYC Motorcyclist community each month. You can read more about Sorez in a feature NYC Motorcyclist published in the spring of 2018.

As Wayward Winds Blow

My life goes by in miles
I’m lucky to have survived
Facing fear, head on dangers
Every day upon my ride
Bad enough that cagers
Are blind and cannot see
Many times things do happen
Because of my own stupidity
Destination is unknown
As wayward winds blow
When splittin’ some lanes
Is exactly what’s called for
But at times I lose my bearings
Taking chances against the odds
Knowing that I might not make it
As I’m riding the double yellow

Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska

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1 Comment

  1. NYC Motorcyclist

    As the seasons change yet again, Eddie ‘Sorez’ Pliska continues to inspire us with his words.

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